Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chapter 3 - The Grandmà Paradox

It has been a while since I last wrote, but it doesn't change the fact that life is still full of things that tie my mind in a double nod.

How about this one:
We all (well, OK, most of us) have or used to have grandparents. While the figure of grandpa sometimes shades away as we grow up, I can’t say the same about grandmothers. I don’t mean it in a negative way, God forbid, yet I do believe that most grandmothers can be put under one very specific species type.

I am sure it won’t come as a surprise  that most of them are sweet, carrying, warm-hearted and simply cute. They usually spoil their grandchildren and seem to be incapable of saying “no!” to their them. Everything seems sweet and candies up until now and so it should. But of course, I wouldn’t be writing about it if it was so with no implications. Ok, here it comes:

What is it with grandmas’ obsession with food? But not with food in general, no!
I wonder if it’s just me or other grandmas are the same, but every time I  visit her, regardless the season, day of the week, weather and the time of day, she ALWAYS thinks that I am hungry and makes me eat my life away. I have tried coming in to see her unannounced – same story. It is truly magical: once she sees me walking into her house, it’s almost like food appears on the table on its own. Those are some pretty fantastic skills she’s got.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind food, actually the opposite. I don’t have an eating schedule, follow a diet, you name it. I just eat whatever I can whenever I can. But even I have my limits. Apparently, my grandma doesn’t share the same opinion. Gooosh, every time she feeds me like it’s the last meal in my life. I know, I know, there is an easy solution: just say “no”… I wish it was the easy. If you say “no” and reject the food or eat just a little, it is being taken as a personal offence and there is a risk of your sweet little granny getting mad at you for that.
I don’t know why she thinks that the amount of consumed food prepared by her is directly related to my feeling towards her, but something tells me it might be it.
I have tried getting out of all this overeating, but all these years of experience have shown me that there is no easy way out.
Seriously, this one time I had to not go to her house just because I was full and I knew that she would expect me to eat around an elephant and a half worth of food.

Sorry, grandma! I do love you wholeheartedly, but even I can’t eat that much that often! =)

Is there a solution?