Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chapter 2 - METRO

Call me weird or whatever else you wish, but what I am about to tell you about really does bother me!

I take metro every day to go to work, to move around the city during the day, and of course to get home in the evening. It's quiet reliable, fast and simply convenient mean of transportation, no doubt about it. Even though it does bother me a little when I calculate the hours a week I spend being underground...makes me feel like a rat every now and than...but oh well. It's one of the "beauties" of a city life, not much to do about it.

It won't come as a surprise to any (or at least so I would imagine) that you can meet all sorts of characters on the tube. Depending on the time of day, metro (well, people you see there) represent a city's population quite objectively.

MORNING: business suits, well dressed and make-up-ed women, some mothers with kids bringing them to school, dedicated and responsible students and lots and lots of housekeepers.

AFTERNOON: well, here it also depends on a part of the city you are in at a given moment. Yet, there seem to be a tendency: teenagers, wildly dressed art students, ladies (whose possible occupation remains a mistery to me to this), who would wear anything and everythig, as long as it comes in many different colors and...doesn't match. As ridiculous as some may look, I gotta admit one thing- it does take courage to leave your house dressed that way.

EVENING: the morning crowed is back, obviously looking less sharp than they did in the morning, a little worn out and just tired. But in addition to them, you find somewhat fancy dressed, usually young people, smelling nice and giggling their way, going for before-dinner drinks, dinners and aperitifs. Another slightly nasty addition, smelly homeless-looking people, who actually act weird and sometimes bother those around them (I just can't even imagine where and why they are going).

This is all good and understandable so far. But let me finally reveal that little element in passengers' behavior that annoys me so much.

Picture the following:
The metro car is not full, but all the seats are taken. As the train approaches the station, some people get off, but not many get on, so there are seats that are unoccupied. Keep in mind that the set of seat in the metro are designed to seat 4 people. So, what happens next is a person sitting next to another person moves, leaving an empty seat between him/her and another person. Here comes my million dollar question: WHY?!?!?! What is the point, especially, if one is getting off at the next station? Really, this is sooo weird! I have been trying to understand this move for quite some time now, but still nothing. What is the logic behind it? Someone, please, explain!!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chapter 1

I gotta admit, it did take me some research and some talking-to-people to actually figure out what is it that we women tend generally not to understand. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I am some kind of "professor Know-It-All" or anything, I simply wanted to be slightly objective (and also didn't want to bore eventual readers) in addition to being very curious whether it's just me, or other people don't get certain things as well.
Here are some fruits of my very basic research.
According to The Telegraph (Britain), amongst 50 things people tend to understand the least there are: Algebra and Reading Train schedules, Politics, the Laws of Cricket and Football's Offside Rule, Poker and Twitter, Packaging on Kids' Toys and Crop Circles.
While I would certainly second most of the subjects listed above, Algebra and Train Schedules? Really? Come on now, seriously! How hard can it be! Some textbook-reading and common sense and the top two are off the list. Not so easy with the others tho, I must say.
Now, it's one thing to identify and name the things\concepts one doesn't understand, but what's next? Should we dedicate our lives to figuring it all out? Should we at least try to comprehend the basics of it? Or should we just let it all go?
Honestly, I DON'T know. I guess we all decide for ourselves. My position is that life is too short to try and learn everything about everything. Of course, ignorance is definitely not the answer to a happy and worry-free life (yet, I bet some will disagree), however, dedicating your life to that...maybe not the best idea. My position in life is as such: if you need\want to learn something\about something, you will. And if not, life will teach you, otherwise there will be no time actually live your life and actually enjoy and exploit the knowledge one has.
So yeah, enough philosophy for now.
The bottom line here is: live your life and enjoy what you have, but of course, never say to an opportunity (shall one arise) to learn something new (academic or otherwise).
Ok, this was me. But what about you?

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Let me introduce myself a little before we get to the stuff that really matters.

I am a very curious person who just loves having things under control. To be completely honest, there are people who would call me a control freak, but since I don’t exactly view this label as a very negative one, let them be, I accept it. So yeah, this is me. I am young and pretty international.

One may legitimately pose a question right about now: Why in the world have I decided to occupy virtual space, which is already busy enough without me being there? Well, the answer is simple: because I actually have things/thought/ideas/concerns/doubts/etc to share with the world (well, at least it’s virtual part).

I am going to tell you right away that I am not going to re-invent the wheel here or tell you something you haven’t already known before, but I would like to be raising  some rather controversial or simply confusing questions/issues for discussions.

As you might have probably already seen from the title of this blog, it’s not as general as one may think (and no, I am not going to answer rhetorical questions or help you find the meaning of life). However, I will talk about men, women, men and women, men and men, women and women (can’t think of any other possible combinations of these two), people in general (especially peculiar examples of the kind), and just general weirdness of life.

If you haven’t got bored by now, I am pretty sure you will find something interesting to read here every now and than, so, as they say: stay tuned, we are going to be back shortly after a commercial.