Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chapter 1

I gotta admit, it did take me some research and some talking-to-people to actually figure out what is it that we women tend generally not to understand. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I am some kind of "professor Know-It-All" or anything, I simply wanted to be slightly objective (and also didn't want to bore eventual readers) in addition to being very curious whether it's just me, or other people don't get certain things as well.
Here are some fruits of my very basic research.
According to The Telegraph (Britain), amongst 50 things people tend to understand the least there are: Algebra and Reading Train schedules, Politics, the Laws of Cricket and Football's Offside Rule, Poker and Twitter, Packaging on Kids' Toys and Crop Circles.
While I would certainly second most of the subjects listed above, Algebra and Train Schedules? Really? Come on now, seriously! How hard can it be! Some textbook-reading and common sense and the top two are off the list. Not so easy with the others tho, I must say.
Now, it's one thing to identify and name the things\concepts one doesn't understand, but what's next? Should we dedicate our lives to figuring it all out? Should we at least try to comprehend the basics of it? Or should we just let it all go?
Honestly, I DON'T know. I guess we all decide for ourselves. My position is that life is too short to try and learn everything about everything. Of course, ignorance is definitely not the answer to a happy and worry-free life (yet, I bet some will disagree), however, dedicating your life to that...maybe not the best idea. My position in life is as such: if you need\want to learn something\about something, you will. And if not, life will teach you, otherwise there will be no time actually live your life and actually enjoy and exploit the knowledge one has.
So yeah, enough philosophy for now.
The bottom line here is: live your life and enjoy what you have, but of course, never say to an opportunity (shall one arise) to learn something new (academic or otherwise).
Ok, this was me. But what about you?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. a day not learned is a day not lived! I try to learn a new thing each day. Today's lesson: smurfs are communists!!!! watch this video

    ps: love your blog! it's as if my best friend wrote it!! so weird!!

  2. hahahaha!!! How cool!
    Even though I have obviously understood nothing in the article, I have noted the date on the pix...1963....I guess some things are timeless =)

    ps. funny =)
